
Within the Context of the Watchtower

I turned in my letter to consciously disassociate myself from the Watchtower a few weeks ago. I was officially disassociated on 4/24/08.

I now exist outside the context of the Watchtower Organization.

The definition of context is this:
  1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
  2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting.

Middle English, composition, from Latin contextus, from past participle of contexere, to join together : com-, com- + texere, to weave; see teks- in Indo-European roots

Being within the organization is like being wrapped in a blanket the happens to supply all you need for survival. Witnesses have described the "Worg - Watchtower Organization" as being like an Ark that was prepared to carry us through the last days.

This ark is leaking severely and no one inside knows because the context of the Worg is still the same or has only been slightly adjusted.

If we were to describe this as boat, lets say that the deck where everyone is standing is what the governing body is keeping primarily in tact. They patch up old holes and make certain planks stronger by their new light. Now the hull of the boat is taking on water and falling apart this is what has kept the Worg floating along for so long but now the economic times is starting to get ruff and the boat is beginning to sink. The Worg I believe cannot just find clearer water, their doctrine or hull was not built to last this long and the boat is going down.

The individuals on the deck see the storm. They feel the rain. They even see other boats floating in the water but feel that their captain, Jesus, has kept them safe and will ultimately save them as a group on this tattered boat. What they don't realize is that the captain of their boat is just a man with a keen ability to make his passengers think the boat is solidly in tact.

The rank and file or passengers are not allowed to go below deck because it is for their protection (we are told not to look into old publications. Worg doesn't make these publications available). We are told not to try to communicate with other boats. (don't read non accepted books or go on the Internet.) We are even told that there are those among the passengers that we should avoid because of being bad associations. (I believe these are the passengers closest to the edge of the boat that happens to notice, "hey we are sinking, the captains been lying to us"). There may even be certain passengers that will push these over if they are hanging too far and gathering too much info.

The Worg pulls in people that are floating in the water. They have usually jumped off of another sinking ship and come aboard the Worg trying to figure out why the people on it seem to be oblivious to the coming devastation.

I have purposely jumped off of the Worg and I am currently floating in the drink. I am satisfied at this point of where I am because I see a larger context. I see that what is coming upon this world is coming upon the whole sea. The boats, the water, the land, the people in the water, the people on the boats. The boat won't help me. No boat will. My faith is purely in Jesus and he will save me if he so chooses.