
Prophetic Discussion

Misfit Of Theology


Meritocracy or mark of the beast

Something new is rising. It is becoming clear day after day.

Today a bunch of books have been released into the psyche of the western sphere by Author Mike Hockney.

My initial response was of interest.... Then the realization of the fact that it is the further progression of the many of changes mankind has been subject to in the last 10 or so years.

Just some small searches have determined that blogs and stories and movies and all sorts of media have prepared and are preparing us for a move into a different way of thought. Meritocratic.

A world based on the skills and knowledge of humans versus their intrinsic worth. A world based on tests, not of faith but on skill. Human values into human value.

It is so well done, so well thought out, I doubt anyone will see this coming... The world is now being conditioned to crave it so that as this new information released by the illiminist society is absorbed by our fledgling scholars and new age thinkers, the basis for this new society can have a grounding point.

Well done! And I mean this in the most sarcastic way I can say this!

It is truly awful and Satanic. It removes God and ultimately causes man to consider themselves as God. This way of thinking is not simply explained; it is vast and leans on human history to explain itself. So this way of thinking is arrogant and considers spiritual belief in God silly and without any basis for existence. It attacks the last location of faith in mankind, the mind. Because the churches are corrupt; also Families are easily torn asunder or are ineffective.

Meritocracy is the mark of the beast in the Head and Hand. In a previous article I mentioned that the Mark was associated with the ability to buy and sell. Some other form of value had to be determined and it was based on the intrinsic value of man; in the head and by our hands. Meritocracy fits this perfectly.

It also works on a human level and garners some temporary happiness. It exists now in skilled labor jobs where men or women with specialized skills can enjoy work and be fulfilled by performing a duty they have trained for and thus garner the benefits of their labors. A plateau can be enjoyed for a lifetime off of that. And for many, this might be good enough.

Maybe this is where the illuminists want to take this overall thought process within mankind.

There is still a long way to go yet and many horrors that will come upon mankind before their wry attempt at the full institution of their plans. Yet even their attempt at this "order" will be wrought with confusion when instituted globally. They don't know that they are just pawns in a much broader scheme.

May God keep you!


A Jehovah's Witness and A Muslim Walk into a bar...

      OK let me approach this gingerly because this in no way is to incite hatred for either choice of practices. I am simply relating an interesting pattern within both sets of religious beliefs that seem to be similar and not readily discernible.

      First off... there are obvious differences in religious doctrine between both Islam and Jehovah's Witnesses. Such as political involvement and diets. There are interesting similarities in tone, such as holiday recognition and women's place in the organization. What I am going to discuss here is the similarities in APPROACH to 3 distinct foundational tools each religion uses to disseminate doctrine. The Holy book. Their Scholarship. Their Harmonizer.

       The approach to either religions Holy book is unique. Islam of course have their book, the QUR'AN, championed by Muhammad via the angel Gabriel. Muslims regard the original language it was written as best so for a true practice of the religion you must learn and understand Arabic or you will fall short of true understanding. In comparison, the JW religion has the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION which is reportedly taken from all available sources to ensure its correctness. exJWs know all too well it was created by unqualified individuals in Bethel. Anyway the NWT is the only acceptable bible translation among the rank and file. Its understanding is held and controlled by the Faithful and Discreet Slave in New York. The vicious protection of the integrity of both books is the first part of a this three tiered program of control.

       The Scholarship of the religions refers to the authority of interpretation. The JWs hold the authority as being the governing body and its manifestation in the steady stream of WATCHTOWER and AWAKE magazines that constantly barrage its members. The magazines interpret and keep them up to date on the current doctrinal issues. Pulling here and tucking there to keep members in line. The parallel amongst Muslims are what is known as the HADITHS. The Hadiths are written by scholars who have the qualifications due to education, experience, blood, or whatever makes them qualified. The Hadiths break down what is written in the Qur'an. Much like Watchtower magazines they focus on a particular subject and flush out the principles that lie there in. Hadiths are not really known to outsiders but are very important to Muslims in being a path to greater understanding of the Qur'an.

        The third thing is the most insidious and possibly dangerous of both religions. It is how they each handle contradictions within this structure. I call it their Harmonizer. The JWs Harmonizer is called NEW LIGHT. It is the principle they get from the scripture that speaks of the light getting brighter as the day draws near. Proverbs 4:18. It allows those in authority to take older doctrinal issues and update them with newer reasoning. It is a get out of jail free card in a sense. Time becomes their friend because old knowledge becomes useless. It is a doctrine that undermines the foundation that any sense of self can rely on.   Muslims also have a very interesting approach to this. Their Harmonizer is called ABROGATION. It is a principle supported by their verse, Surah 2:106. Their scholars saw fit to apply this in relegating earlier written verses as impotent to later written verses. This is why you will find an apparent contradiction in thought. Allah was much kinder when Muhammad was writing out of Mecca but much harsher and dictatorial when Muhammad wrote out of Medina. A faithfully practicing Muslim will follow the path of abrogation the same as a faithfully practicing Jehovah's Witness would follow the path of new light.

       To understand how this three tiered function can work so well would take an article or maybe a book to figure out. This is not the article to get into it but I will at least reference it. The three tiers of control rely on 1) an incorruptible authority, 2) an "apparent" input of the people, and 3) a trusted adjustor/futurist. With these three things a person could probably rule the world... and they have. Case in point, the USA's Executive, Legislative, Judicial branches of government. Don't take the structure lightly... it has existed since the dawn of time as various Gods like Osiris, Isis, and Horus. In today's days and times, their influence is buried in the details. What you will often find is the greater the control, the more pronounced the separations.

        In conclusion, my studies of these two religions make it clear they definitely come from two different contemporary sources. This article is in no way exhaustive but could be something someone else could continue studying on. The underlying similarities, though, beg me to consider if the functions may connect them at some more ancient level. Both groups have proved to be high control groups. The apparent differences makes them seem totally unrelated but it seems they still appeal and control people in much the same way.


Bible predicts Bilderberg?

I was just looking over different youtubes and ran across one that talked about the Mormon bible discusses Bilderberg. I'm not all that sure about that. Maybe it does elude to it. I won't count it out but I also won't discount that the bible also eludes to an environment that would be primed for a group such as the Bilderbergs. Not only the Bilderbergs but also Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati,or any Fraternal Brotherhood organizations. See what often happens is that we focus in on the one group that has a name and reputation and not the beast as a whole which has many heads and faces all connected to the same beast. Sure, destroy the one head and you will have 3 more arise in its place. This is how it works. If the Mormon bible eludes to just Bilderberg then it is sadly short of a larger picture that I think the bible more capably tackles although we have people who interpret the bible with their own agendas. The bible was not to be solely a prophetic book which is why the details of the last days are not as succinct as our human brains would so desire. It takes though, meditation, and most importantly, holy spirit to understand. Even with those things, we are imperfect in our understanding and interpretation. So what are we to do? We are to begin the journey to understand in spirit. "learn as if we will live forever, live as if we will die tomorrow." I forgot who said that. Something I saw on Facebook. But it makes sense. Don't worry about finishing the meal just get to the table. Also knowledge will be brought back to mankind as we get closer to the time to make those crucial decisions. We are in a moment of change but we will soon be put into clearer focus where we stand. I believe that.


Life after the Watchtower

It has been a while since I have written a good and juicy article. So I wanted to toss in a current rant to at least give you a picture of where I am now. Life for me is now on my terms. I am proud, happy, and most importantly, at peace. In the last 3 years, now about to be four this month, I have divorced, lost a job, been laid off, dated, finished school, gotten best paying job, gotten my own place, and now I am saving up for a home. I'd have to say that the turn around is a real blessing. I have learned alot about myself and continue to. The latest element of my learning process has been about me and relationships. Apparently I work better alone. Probably just a preference or It could be something more. Either way, I seem to think clearer as a lone being. Hey, it works for me it may not for others. The whole point is that I am now thinking about things regular non-witness folks think about. Relationships, future, homes; outside the watchtower frame of reference... This is life on this planet right now. I can deal with the future as it gets closer. Of course the more I unplug from the organization, the less I have need of fighting it. The more distance from me it becomes, the less pain it seems to cause. I look back on this blog with fondness and will compile this into a memoir eventually once I gather a specific plan on how to design it. For those just leaving the watchtower, please write your experiences down. The reason you get out is probably the reason your other counterparts are getting out. It seems the wave of discontent is shared among the dissenters at particular moments. So WRITE! May God bless your Journey!


Mark of the Beast

I am just gonna write this as my brain flows so forgive me for bluntness and irreverance!

I have struggled with this sign for a while because there are so many different ideas from many good people as to what this sign is. I have also written a few ideas on the identity of the composite beast in a few of my other blog posts which brings me to this point. I will tell you clearly what I believe this mark of the beast is. It seems to fulfill the scriptures well and can be very compelling in the future. I have to say that this mark is not here yet but the functions are happening right now. The facets of this mark will be brought together to seemingly benefit mankind but will be a move to enslave most of mankind.

I have reason to believe the mark of the beast is an oath of allegiance to support a new monetary system.

OK, lets get some back ground. There are two parts. The Mark is associated with being able to buy or sell. The Beast is an overall ruling entity that benefits from these beast marked souls.

The Beast, in short, is this world's rulers; visible or hidden. I have reason to believe that the hidden rulers of the world operate in secret by using secret oaths. This is how things get done in backrooms and lodges. I think that the world will be put in a situation that makes our old free market unappealing to the point that a new monetary system will have to be accepted but will only work if people "agree" to be part of it and enter into a relationship with the system itself.

Why do I think it may be this? Well I know the Mark is to be on the forehead and the hand. This indicates that value will be placed on your mental abilities and physical or labor abilities. The system of buying and selling would not be gold based like it is now. (By the way, this system, although causing some issues, gives people the ability to vote with dollars, things they like or want as a community.) The system I have heard coming down the line would offer you everything while taking away your freedom to decide anything for yourself. Keep your eyes open for a group called Desteni.

The saddest thing is that all of the things involved in this change to this system, we have already been doing in small ways. It will just be taken to the next level to where people deliberately give themselves over to it. One small way is our affinity for the fiat money systems like dollars. They are not backed by gold as the majority of us think they are. The world is conditioned to not rely on gold for exchange. We wouldn't see any difference if our exchange was suddenly based on our body count as long as the money kept coming. As far as making an oath to this system. This is as simple as filling out an application. We sign things online and agreements that are so long that we rarely know what we are signing anyway. If we are hungry and hurting it will be very hard not to "agree" to support a system that would put food or means in the palm of our hand.

The people behind this oath taking have been involved with this sort of work since the dark ages. Getting us to comply may be the easiest step yet. I'll say that most of mankind will be duped. I wish it wasn't the case but most of us will be. The reason why mankind's prosperity is such an easy in for the masses is that we naturally want to survive. Our living and breathing is a big part of our motivation scheme and if a system can make this easier, it seems almost idiotic not to accept it. This is exactly where Satan wants us to go so that we make a decision with no spiritual consideration.

The mark itself is symbolic but its effect fits everything else in the scripture surrounding it. Its not here yet because the world has to be broken down dramatically. first.

Within another blog post I discussed that the 2nd seal is about to be broken and with it the fulfillment of many prophecies will occur which will be a major wake-up call to those who recognize what is going on.

Just my thoughts.



Trinity - God, Son, and Holy Spirit

Babylon - Nimrod, Tammuz, and Simerimas
Babylon - Shamash, Sin, and Ishtar
Egypt - Osiris, Horus, and Isis
Greece - Zeus, Apollo, and Athena
India - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
Rome - Jupiter, Mars, and Venus
U.S.A. - Executive, Judicial, and Legislative (Lol!)

The Trinity is false. Look at history. It is human tradition that pulls us toward the Trinity as some viable explanation, not the simple truth that Jesus is God's Son and not God himself. If the bible has some allusions toward the Trinitarian ideal, its because of the amount of human tradition it has to contend with.

Secondly, Jesus has to stand as mediator between God and men. His sacrifice opens the way. I know its seems like the greatest compliment to worship Jesus as God, but when we do that we lessen his purpose. The same thing happens if we just call him a simple prophet. When we obscure his position, up or down, we loose the full force of the fact that Jesus is working right now as a mediator. He is not just some figure head.

Thirdly, Satan is the main entity attempting to obscure Jesus purpose. If the christian community continues to support the Trinitarian concept, they continue to allow Satan's construct (as seen through the list of historical false Gods) a way in to eventually try to over shadow God's original purpose. Which in turn leaves Trinitarian believers open, spiritually, for all sorts of other falsehoods.

The Trinity is a dangerous Satanic doctrine that is connected to human history and has always been related to the human belief system. It has not changed. The possibility that the truth, spoken by Jesus 2000 years ago, may have been infected with this, is highly probable.

God is one. Not more than one.


Watchtower Baptismal Question Change

  Note the following change in the baptismal questions made in 1985 to further attempt to isolate their members from Christianity by promoting loyalty to the Watchtower organization, rather than to the "elusive" Christ:
WT (The Watchtower) 1973 5/1 page 280 Baptizing Follows Discipling

(1) Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?
(2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?

WT 1985 6/1 page 30 Subjecting Ourselves to Jehovah by Dedication
…Thus the decision to be baptized is by no means a sudden emotional reaction. Rather, each one has ‘proved for himself the good and acceptable and perfect will of God’ and wishes to submit to that will.—Romans 12:2.
At the close of the convention baptism talk, the baptism candidates will be in position to answer with depth of understanding and heartfelt appreciation two simple questions that serve to confirm that they recognize the implications of following Christ’s example.
The first question is:
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
The second is:
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?

[Added footnotes]
1 Those familiar with the WT procedure will know that some time prior to the day of the baptism, a number of questions are put to the candidates. However, according to the published list of questions, the above two questions are omitted. So these candidates are not given advanced notice of what could be the most important questions asked of them in their whole lives. Would this "sudden" imposition give them time for "understanding and heartfelt appreciation? Please notice if you read the whole article, from the above mentioned WT, that there is no explanation as to why the questions were changed.
2 Observe the crucial change of verb in Romans 12: 2. Paul was talking to baptised Christians: he entreats them, by saying "that you may prove (future) to yourselves" God’s will. The WT says: "has proved"
This change introduces a false premise, per se. But it is extremely wrong in its present context when introducing perhaps the most blatant U turn of all: the substitution of the "ORGANIZATION" for God’s Word the "Bible" and God’s "holy spirit". Furthermore, this is a secondary and not a main study article where the congregations have the opportunity to express their comments, even if closely monitored. Therefore it is not open for discussion.
Paul says, "may prove" and the WT says, "has proved"? What is the difference and is it crucial? The WT is addressing unbaptised ones. Paul is addressing baptised ones. He is inviting them to continuously "prove" the viability and efficacy of God’s will in their lives. The WT is trying to ‘ride two horses at the same time’ They want to be seen as applying the scripture but also they want to promote their own agenda. They are saying that these novices have already ‘ "proved" this for themselves’ in, maybe a few weeks of WT type study. Would this not be ‘suddenly’? It would be, relatively: the very thing that the WT has ruled out. Paul’s disciples are encouraged to apply Christian principles throughout their lives. Whereas WT disciples have been instructed in WT doctrine and have presumably proved it by academic study. Would the foregoing quotes from their magazine be representative examples of their teaching?
Martin Luther says on this verse, Romans 12:2:
" he [Paul] is preaching to those who are already Christians and godly through the faith in the new man, who are not to be forced with commands but to be admonished to do willingly what is to be done in regard to the sinful old man. For he who does it not willingly, solely as a result of admonition, he is no Christian, and he who compels it from the unwilling with laws, he already is no Christian preacher or ruler but a worldly clubwielder." A lawdriver insists with threats and penalties; a preacher of grace lures and incites with divine goodness and compassion shown to us; for he wants no unwilling works and reluctant services, he wants joyful and delightful services of God"
Please see Matthew 12: 34-37 (bold, italics and brackets added)
Charles Stanley


More on the end to the Gold Standard...

The Specter of Protectionism
Death of the Gold Standard
The world has already experienced a tragic deflationary spiral once, which transpired during the turbulent years between the world wars. Up until then, the gold standard was in place nearly everywhere. People could exchange their money for a predetermined amount of the precious metal. Prices and exchange rates remained relatively stable for many years, and global trade flourished. But after the outbreak of World War I, the system didn’t work anymore because the national economies had drifted too far apart.

The widespread poverty and unemployment that came with the Great Depression finally forced the countries to make a radical transition. On Sept. 20, 1931, the UK dropped the gold standard. Within just a few months, the pound had lost nearly a third of its value against the dollar. This produced the desired effect: The British economy recovered quickly.

But the UK had revitalized its economy at the cost of its neighbors who had stuck to the gold standard, meaning that their currencies became relatively expensive. Economists call this type of protectionist policy “beggar thy neighbor.” The reaction came quickly. In the spring of 1933, the US unpegged the dollar from gold — and the US currency plummeted by 40 percent. Additional countries in the so-called gold bloc followed suit, and in the end, 25 countries had abandoned the gold standard.

Birth of a New System
Nobody could win this race, and it pulled down the entire world economy. Between 1929 and 1933, the volume of world trade fell from $3 billion to $1 billion. In order to put an end to this currency chaos, representatives from 44 countries attended a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in July 1944. They agreed to a new currency structure that was to ensure a regulated system of world trade. This system was designed to make it impossible to use currencies as weapons in global competition.

The dollar was chosen as an anchor and, from then on, the other currencies were moored to it. The US committed itself to converting the reserves that every country held in US currency to gold at a fixed price of $35 per ounce. The system collapsed in 1971 when the US could no longer maintain this commitment: It had printed too many dollars to pay for the Vietnam War.

Since then, there have been no more established rules, and everything is done according to the law of the jungle. So far, the US has been the strongest player. Thanks to the dollar, the world’s undisputed reserve currency, the Americans have been able to live beyond their means for decades. They have been able to amass excessive debts — because there is always someone who is willing to foot the bill.

Nowhere to Flee to
Although the value of the dollar has fallen over the past decades, the decline has been much less than what would have been economically justifiable. As long as the US is seen as a comparatively secure country, other nations will continue to place their reserves in dollars, thereby bolstering the US currency. But how long can the US continue to be seen as an economically secure country, if it fails to bring its government debt under control and keeps trying to solve its economic problems by bringing down the value of its currency?

The US still benefits from the fact that China and other emerging economies cannot shift their dollar reserves to other currencies without causing themselves massive damage. Not to mention the fact that there is nowhere to flee to — after all, not even the euro offers a safe haven.

Private investors can flee, though. They are increasingly viewing major currencies with mistrust and purchasing gold as a result. The price of the precious metal continues to set new records. Last week, it soared to over $1,300 (€943) a troy ounce, meaning that it has more than quadrupled in price since the turn of the millennium. Now that the financial crisis has led to a sovereign debt crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear just how fragile the foundation of the world economy is — and why new regulations are urgently needed.

Not surprisingly, there are increasing calls for a second Bretton Woods and a new world economic system with established rules. This is a recurring topic at G-20 summits.

The Role of China
The big unknown variable in such a future system is the role played by China. No new approach will last long if it doesn’t include the yuan, also known as the renminbi. The crucial question is whether China is prepared to gradually allow its currency to float more freely.

Up until now, the country has been unprepared to take this step — despite assurances made by the Chinese leadership on June 19 that it would end the fixed exchange rate with the dollar. The strong revaluation of the yuan that the Americans had hoped for has not occurred. Since then, it has only risen in price against the dollar by approximately 2 percent. China’s central bank continues to steer its “people’s currency” within a very narrow range.

The Chinese see the pressure from Washington as an attack on their sovereignty. It is true that experts in the Chinese central bank are debating the advantages that would come with an exchange rate reform, in order to free China from its dependency on exports. But if the communist leadership made too many concessions to the US, it would have to fear an enormous outcry from the patriotic Chinese public.

From the Chinese point of view, only a cautious revaluation would be an option. The Chinese want to avoid at all costs suffering the same fate as their neighbor Japan. After caving in to pressure from the US, in 1985 the former Asian superpower agreed to increase the exchange rate against the dollar. Within one year, the value of the yen had increased by some 60 percent. In order to balance out the negative consequences of the revaluation for the country’s export industry, the Bank of Japan lowered interest rates to nearly zero, thereby triggering a huge speculative bubble on the stock exchange and the real estate market. Even today, Japan has still not recovered from the prolonged crisis that ensued.

The pressure on Japan also failed to bring the US much relief. American industries, particularly in the automotive sector, still couldn’t effectively compete with manufacturers like Toyota and Honda.

Looking for a Scapegoat?
So it is questionable whether a reevaluation of the yuan would do the Americans much good. Between 2005 and 2008, the Chinese currency gained 21 percent, but the US trade deficit remained at record high levels. The problem is that Americans don’t save enough — and they have difficulties selling their own products around the world. Even a devaluation of their own currency didn’t help the Americans. Since 2002, the value of the dollar has slipped by over 30 percent against the euro.

That should have actually fueled the export economy. Instead, the US now has trade deficits with at least 90 countries, meaning that it imports more from those nations than it exports to them. Does this mean that the Americans are merely looking for a scapegoat for their own economic failure?

Before sanctions can be imposed on China, the Senate has to approve the proposed legislation. “It’s important to recognize that we’re not going to have a trade war, we’re not going to have a currency war,” said US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. That — assuming Geithner’s assessment is correct — is the good news. The bad news is that there will be no new regulations for the global currency system, either. And it will continue to remain unclear what role the yuan will play in the future.

The result? Unstable currency markets will remain, also in the future, a permanent threat to the global economy.


Prince and the 2007 Superbowl halftime show

I was clearly hopeful when I saw Prince perform the superbowl halftime show. Up til then I knew that the Watchtower had gotten their claws into him. When this aired I wanted to say, hallelujah, he knows they are full of shit. Well after that he continued to support the rumors he was following the religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I wanted to round up two things to commemorate this period. One was an article written by Jeneane Sessum which fell right in line with my thinking and the possible response from those on both sides of the JW fence. The other is the actual performance. So without further adue!

February 05, 2007

Did Prince Just Say Goodbye to the Jehovah's Witnesses?

Any music fan who watched the Super Bowl last night could rightly walk into work this morning and say, "Did you see the bears and colts play football during Prince's Concert?"

It was that good. And, at other levels, it was interesting too.

For any artist familiar with the restrictive, cultish tactics of the jehovah's witnesses, watching the halftime show at this year's Super Bowl represented a lot more than catching a great live concert by Prince. The entire performance was riddled with symbolism that could only leave current and former JWs doing double take after double take, wondering what Prince was trying to 'say'.

I think Prince's merging of All Along the Watchtower with Foo Figher's The Best of You, followed up by Purple Rain, performed while doning his classic symbol, his signature guitar magnified as it rippled against the night sky, full and phallic, larger than life against a ghostly white backdrop, was Prince's way of saying goodbye to the Organization, was Prince's way of saying, "you're not messin with me anymore."

Maybe I'm projectiong. Maybe not.

It's not a simple thing -- the passionate belief and seeking of Truth, the sacrifice of self, the heart vs the mind, all targeted by well-honed thought control vs the single thread of hope for what being human means: Freedom of thought. You kind of have to have been there to grok it.

What I think? That Artist giving that performance at that event, performing those songs that way, wearing that symbol on that stage -- I think he just said goodbye to the Watchtower.

And if he didn't, and they don't disfellowship him for that display, well--it only further demonstrates the hypocrisy of the JWs that makes for madness in those who've ever been shamed at a Kingdom Hall.

(Video Transcription)
Prince's Watchtower Medley
All along the watchtower,
Princes kept the view,
While all the women came and wept —
Their foot servants too.

Outside in the cold distance,
A wildcat did growl.
Two riders were approaching, and
The wind began to howl.

Are you gone and onto someone new?
I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose
You gave me something that I didn’t have
But had no use

I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I’ll break loose
My head is giving me life or death
I will choose
I swear I’ll never give in
I refuse

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

Has someone taken your faith?
It's real, the pain you feel
You must

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?

I’ve got another confession my friend
I ain’t no fool.