
Marriage Counselor

A young man met a young woman and after a time they determined they should be married. They told their respective parents and the ceremony was soon planned and completed.
This young man was happy because he had married someone that had such potential as a mother, wife, helper and life long friend. The young woman was happy because she had married someone that opened her eyes, gave her purpose, thought the best of her even when she was unconfident, and had youthful wisdom.
After the ceremony the couple went to their humble home that was just the right size for the two of them. They both took a moment to absorb what just happened. Each thought to themselves, "Now my life begins!" When suddenly there was a knock on the door.
As newly wed couples usually do, they answered the door together. Still in their respective wedding outfits. Behind the door was a young man by the name of W. T. Solomon. Mr Solomon was not much older than the couple. Although seeing the couple in nuptial garments, this didn't deter Mr Solomon from explaining why he was there.
He explained that he was a marriage counselor that was taking on a project that could benefit them greatly. Seeing that he had only just begun his monologue they invited him in so they all could get off their feet.
After serving refreshments, Mr Solomon continues. He tells them of the many problematic marriages and the awful percentage of those marriages that make it and how even those continue in lackluster style. The story he weaves makes the couple hold on to each other even tighter. He advises that the project he is introducing to them could ultimately benefit mankind if done with the proper couple at an early enough point in marriage. He gave them his lengthy qualifications and an opportunity to respond after reiterating the potential for saving the world.
The couple was no doubt a little punch drunk after his hour long speech but conceded on the reasoning that they could give of themselves for the good of mankind. They agreed by each signing a different contract that appeared to be the same.
Mr Solomon was very happy and insisted they start immediately. Unknown to the couple, Mr Solomon brought some bags with books, research materials, toiletries, clothes, and a small lunch box and proceeded to pile them into a corner of their small home.
The young husband was immediately incensed but Mr Solomon advised him of the little contract that was signed. The young wife was more confused than upset. Mr Solomon only explained to her that what she was doing was for the benefit of mankind and that his integrity was above board.
Mr Solomon began to incorporate a few things into the lives of this couple. One obvious thing was the fact that Mr Solomon acted as a go between for the young husband and wife to get a sense of their conversation style. There were constant worksheets to be filled out and tests and essays. Over the ensuing months the young husband met friends of Mr Solomon and was able to get a better paying job at the counselors college department but longer hours were required. The young wife didn't work but was a good housewife. So many times Mr Solomon and the young wife were alone but no impropriety took place. Due to the young man's hours, Mr Solomon would often relay to the young woman what the young husband has said.
Mr Solomon was ambitious as a young grad student. He had big dreams of changing the world. He was determined that the undermining of society was squarely on the shoulders of the family and began this project of societal redemption. He was always above board and made the proper decisions according to himself. Mr Solomon has now placed himself into a live situation with live people. It's not just on paper anymore. Mr Solomon had forgotten that he is human and is prone to fault. He does not have all the answers. He begins to want what the young husband has.
The young woman went into this whole thing because she felt that this would ultimately make her marriage better and not only that but improve the lives of so many other people. Over time though she began to reason on why she may have ever thought her own situation to be so much better as to have it studied and modeled after. She is also realizing that Mr Solomon is getting too close. He is relating her husbands information but it seems slanted at times. She needs to speak directly with her husband.
The young woman decides to leave one day and go to her husband's job against the counselor's suggestions. Once she finds the young man, they take time away from everything to discuss what has been on their minds. The young man advised her that his job is open to having her visit and he is glad she came. The young woman advised how Mr Solomon is giving them valuable information but it is doing them no good because they cannot communicate in intimacy. They determined that they need to build a relationship all their own and that everyone else has that right as well. Even if this information was published into a book with step by step directions on how to make marriage last, people are not robots and each marriage has its own textures and colors. They determined to Kick Mr Solomon out whatever the consequences. Their relationship means so much more.
This story is representative of bigger issues. I will explain the characters. Plainly, the young man is Jesus. Mr Solomon could be any organization that tries to impose its rules and regulations upon servants of God. The young woman is the body of Christ. The marriage is baptism. The contract is mankind's free will. Communication is holy spirit. Read over it again with these in mind.
People often would react terribly at the idea that a stranger would come into our home and begin to dictate to us what our spouse says or worse yet, what they mean. Then why do we let organizations/churches/communities/legal entities overstep their boundaries. Christ body is the church, no walls required.
If you are currently burdened with personal doctrine that is causing you trouble, pray over it. (Notice I didn't say join a church or ask your pastor). Jesus provides us freedom. Read your bible daily.
W. T. Solomon equals the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses. Notice the knocking reference.
The Song of Solomon says a lot more to me now.

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