
Save the JDubs Campaign

I love my brothers in the truth. They just have a lot to contend with though. It's the leaders that have let the lies continue to mislead 6+million people to date.

It would be easier for these brothers and sisters to come out if they knew there was a support group. There are groups but the last thing that they need is another system of religion. That is unfortunately what many look for if they were faced with leaving.

When most ex-JDubs leave they have to own their personal theology which can vary from person to person. The most interesting to me are the ones to which have had no exposure from any other christian religions. I applaud them for taking a real leap of faith.

All JDubs need the help of loving christians that will help them find the true meaning and Power of Christ. Ex-JDubs have instantly 3 strikes against them when they leave the Watchtower. They are shunned as a supposed protection for the congregation. This makes it difficult even to share views and reasoning with our closest counterparts like wives, husbands, parents, syblings.

If any christians wants to help or at least learn how to hold a progressive conversation with a Witness, please focus on giving this person a friend outside of the watchtower. This point of view is a new one and one that will not be expected by a Jehovah's Witness. Once there are a few responses like this, they may begin to start to use there own thinking power to pull themselves free. JDubs can think on their own. They just need to be shown the love and acceptance offered from Christ instead of the alienation and overt discipline shown by an unfeeling organization.

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