
Surfing the Net

The internet is serving as a hidden treasure of information for Jehovah's Witnesses attempting to find some outside information.

There is a caution though that cannot be pushed aside.

There are elements and people that seek to devour your faith. They seek to turn you from the truth (real truth). They seek to captivate your spirit. Your emotions. Your life. They will throw you away once they have a chance.

Use the net to help you think for yourselves. It can be liberating to find some article that expands on nagging suspicions you may have had. It is not wrong to question your beliefs. Once you stop asking questions you become exactly what the people in control want you to become. Sheep.

DO NOT LET the immense amount of PORN that plagues this medium get you off track. It is placed there for you to forget a proper path to knowlege. Why do you think there is so much money to be made in it?

DO NOT LET the immense amount of mp3's and music videos turn this medium into a big Ipod. It just does the same thing and will distract from the people who are posting the truth from the other side of the glass.

So if you search, search for knowlege like it is for gold.

We are at the beginnings of a momentus time in human existance. Politicians will betray us, coorporations will betray us, Religions will betray us, our money will betray us, and our families will betray us. Even our eyes can betray us but only as far as our minds are betrayed. The time is now to learn.

Learn about your world and teach others. Take the proper advantage of this medium while we still can.

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