
Christ and the upside down pyramid

A friend asked me a question concerning God and science. I explained what I thought but began thinking about a related but similar subject and wanted to expand on it here.

I was explaining that Satan seems to not be "real" to anyone. He is a factor that often times is not included into life. No one seems to notice the "devil in the details".

I described him as "He is like a raincloud that never gives rain but just successfully hides the sun all day. We know God or something is behind the clouds lighting up the sky. We just can't see it so we question the light."

Got me to thinking about how the pyramid on the back of a dollar is set up. Look at the pyramid symbol on the back of a dollar bill. Famous Masonic symbol of an eye on an incomplete pyramid. Perfect example of Satan's system of operation.It is top down. The top rest on the backs of the masses. The top survives because the bottom gives of themselves to the top portion or the leaders or ultimately Satan. In times of crisis where people die, chances are its the bottom that dies. Not for the good of everyone but for the good of the elite or the top of the pyramid. Gives new meaning for dieing for your country. A lot of the times the top of the pyramid is behind both sides of conflict thus death of the masses is an expected consequence. Same with today I believe the top knows of how the world is over extending itself so will sacrifice the masses to survive. Having positioned themselves in places of policy making or controlling, they will direct the world to a place where there power will remain manifest. So most of humanity will die.

Kind of bleak. I contrast the above with this. Take the pyramid and turn it upside down. This is the inverted pyramid. Now we have the masses at the top being supported by the point at the bottom. The bottom of course is Jesus Christ our lord. He has more than enough strength to uphold all of us. The concept seems foreign and like it may not work. We find more examples in life of the prior pyramid than this one. Because the inverted pyramid leads to obscurity not prominence. Let me explain. Say there was some bill in congress that was going to pass that was going to disenfranchise a subset of society and a congress person decided to give there career to making sure it would not pass. The bill does not pass and so success right? Well in a way. The people are benefited but the congress person's career is shot and he is financially broke. That next year another bill is introduced that kills those rights anyway. So the benefits to the inverted pyramid are completely spiritual but obscure in Satan's system. The benefits to the regular pyramid is prominence. We already know how this works. Its also very easy to switch from one to the other as well. Because it becomes a spiritual/fleshly way of thinking. Being in management I have had to deal with an interesting concept in employment. Would I be willing to lose my management position for a subordinate? I am hardwired as an inverted pyramid but in order to make a living I have to incorporate some of the standards of traditional "pyramidology" so to speak. I have to say that they will lose their job before I lose mine no matter their circumstances. The job has got to get done. So Satan has designed quite an elaborate system that actually makes inverted pyramid(spiritual, self sacrificing) thinking stupid and worthless in his world. So most will choose to go with the flow. Its beneficial in making a good living instead of scraping along.

Lets take this a little further and observe the old testament sacrifices. It was an inverted pyramid system. The Levites seem to be the at the top of pyramid but actually they did the very hard work of preparing the animal sacrifices and were in essence slaves working for the good of the nation. Their lives were sacrificed to this. There were so many animal sacrifices for their sins all the time. Animals were only temporary sin atonement but due to the inverted pyramid style of living, it qualified for that atonement. So to speak, in a family you have animals that give clothing, milk, companionship. If you sacrifice that, you lose the benefits of that animal. You have sacrificed it to God.

This is what makes Jesus so special. He is mankind's perpetual sacrifice. Forever has his blood been offered for our salvation. We tap into that by thinking in this selfless sacrificial manner. That is in an inverted pyramid fashion.

Again thinking in this fashion in this world will not lead to prominence it will lead to obscurity but favor with God. Also you will not make history. History reflects the prominence of these pyramids not the obscure. You don't make history being humble. Jesus was the last to be known world-wide for the ultimate act of humility and rightly so.

Recognizing how Satan has his system set up will help you readily recognize when he is at work because it will follow the top down system. Think about all the systems, organization, principles, rules, and people that seem to fall into this form of thinking and action. Doesn't mean its Satanic. It may just mean that it won't help you in following the road that leads to the mind of Christ which goes in the opposite direction. Christ and Satan are diametrically apposed. Satan has created a world which, by its very nature, hides the humble path because it hates it. If you follow the path to Christ you will be deemed unimportant and will be forgotten by Satan's world. God though will remember the sacrifices you made to him.

1 comment:

Jason Nicholas Korning said...

The eye below the pyramid is the cornerstone that is discussed throughout the Bible. I have a large and very informative document about the other symbol, the eye below. Let me know and I'll email it to you. Thanks.

God Bless, Jason Nicholas Corning