

Trinity - God, Son, and Holy Spirit

Babylon - Nimrod, Tammuz, and Simerimas
Babylon - Shamash, Sin, and Ishtar
Egypt - Osiris, Horus, and Isis
Greece - Zeus, Apollo, and Athena
India - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
Rome - Jupiter, Mars, and Venus
U.S.A. - Executive, Judicial, and Legislative (Lol!)

The Trinity is false. Look at history. It is human tradition that pulls us toward the Trinity as some viable explanation, not the simple truth that Jesus is God's Son and not God himself. If the bible has some allusions toward the Trinitarian ideal, its because of the amount of human tradition it has to contend with.

Secondly, Jesus has to stand as mediator between God and men. His sacrifice opens the way. I know its seems like the greatest compliment to worship Jesus as God, but when we do that we lessen his purpose. The same thing happens if we just call him a simple prophet. When we obscure his position, up or down, we loose the full force of the fact that Jesus is working right now as a mediator. He is not just some figure head.

Thirdly, Satan is the main entity attempting to obscure Jesus purpose. If the christian community continues to support the Trinitarian concept, they continue to allow Satan's construct (as seen through the list of historical false Gods) a way in to eventually try to over shadow God's original purpose. Which in turn leaves Trinitarian believers open, spiritually, for all sorts of other falsehoods.

The Trinity is a dangerous Satanic doctrine that is connected to human history and has always been related to the human belief system. It has not changed. The possibility that the truth, spoken by Jesus 2000 years ago, may have been infected with this, is highly probable.

God is one. Not more than one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
