
2520 Interpreted in prophetic versus solar years

What is it that draws witnesses to venerate and not hold their leaders accountable?

The annointed, bethelites, governing body, faithful and discreet slave, they go by many names and intertwine. When confronted about how they can get things wrong, many agree that man is imperfect and make mistakes but they hold onto the fact that these individuals or the body of them are infallible although one little fact proves that they failed.

One issue I deal with is the simple 2520 prophecy. The witnesses gather that it began 607 bc. I am not arguing that but I am arguing how using solar years to getting us to 1914 is apparently not in line with the bible teaching of counting a year as 360 days. The witnesses make an explanation in the 12/15 1964 WT page 759.

"Therefore, the 2,520 days of the “seven times” would be 2,520 years in fulfillment. These years, in their fulfillment, would not be merely 360 days each, but full calendar years as we count them. For we must remember that the variation of the Jewish calendar was to adjust the lunar year to harmonize with the solar year. It could be termed a “soli-lunar” or “bound lunar” year. Days, or months, were inserted at intervals to make up the difference of approximately eleven days between the lunar and the solar year. By this means the seasons always fell in their proper place in the calendar. So their calendar would be almost exactly in line with the currently used Gregorian calendar. So the 2,520 years are to be counted as solar years."

In short what the above paragraph brings to light is that although the bible says to count a year as 360 days, we (wtbts) want you to count it as 365.25 days.

This is a lie.

They are adding to something that is rather simple. The bible prophesy was simple in counting because it used a day. One day, one night, full 24 hour period. It doesn't make sense to do what they are doing because there is no telling how a year would have been accepted in the coming ages. But days do not change. We can count days no matter how the year as a whole is changed. Like counting ounces versus lbs. The total amount doesn't change. The way it is expressed does. The watchtower is attempting to change the amount.

Most witnesses would rather take a "leap of faith" on this organization than faith in the bible or rather truths supported by scripture. Sadly some attempt to believe they can do both. They really don't do both if they are not willing to say goodbye to the organization. It helps only to a degree but then has to be looked at as a human group of individuals that could ultimately not be good for your spirituallity. This organization will not save their lives but many think that it will.


spiritualbrother said...

JW's are not allowed to question the organization or its doctrines.

Anonymous said...

I understand that JW's aren't allowed to question the organization or its doctrines, having done exactly that. When you question them, the reaction is to treat you as a lost soul or cause. However, the very fact that you are not allowed to question, the very fact that you are to take the word of a select group of human beings that appear to be somewhat removed from the average JW, rather than the actual word of God, should be enough to cause one to pause and question the religions validity and motivations. Anytime you have a small group dictating what you should think, do, act, learn, have access to, one should immediately think, something isn't quite right here. God has no problems with our questioning things, Jesus questioned him and had doubts and God loved him regardless. If you are dealing with and trusting your spirituality to a group of people who fail to demonstrate the qualities that we see shown by God and Jesus, it should cause one to pause.

rus virgil said...

The Bible chronology found in Daniel's and Revelation's Book IS , in fact, the "chronology" of the "latter days"

this could not be understood before the "secred" God spoke to Daniel was revealed

4 But you, Daniel,
>> close up and seal the words of the scroll
>> until the time of the end.
Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."

So, the chronology was sealed up by God's will
and no one on earth could understand it before the time of the end !

As all the prophecies , the interpretation of the "chronologies" depend upon properly understanding of the "teaching of Christ" !

And also, the Song of Moses is the "spinal column" of the prophecies regarding the latter days ,
so it must be took into consideration !

Go ahead with your study of the "teaching of Christ" and the "Song of Moses"

God's Kingdom - when in Heaven ?-- according to Jesus' teaching !

Bible chronology revealed !


Be seekers of God's Kingdom and His righteusness !

in Christ,
rus virgil
