
Is Life Better Now?

The JWs believe that the world is worse now than it has been since the days Jesus walked.

I actually agree with this but only if you are looking through the right glasses.

As humans we have two sets of glasses we can peer through. This is primarily due to our intrinsic dual natures. One material and the other spiritual.

If we look through our material glasses we will see that humankind has developed nations and strong organizational structures. Scientific and medical advancements. Observational and educational milestones. We have conquered the sea, the air, and the land. We have done so much in a material way that with anyone looking through just those lenses alone, that we could say, yes the world is better than it ever was.

On the other hand...

If we look through our spiritual glasses we find a very different picture. First off many don't believe we even have a spiritual nature because the very existence of God is a debate. If by chance we can agree on God, then how we approach Him and with what practices are acceptable come into debate. We have had religions come and go. It is even documented in the bible that humankind killed our Creator's son. We have religions that care about nothing more than their own survival. We have had the Crusades, Holocaust, and now Jewish return to the holy land. We have preachers that openly fleece flocks. Disagreements over many doctrines. Everyday people who feel they cannot approach God and don't know how. Spiritually, humans are moving backwards it seems.

One day soon, our spiritual state is going to reveal itself above the value of our material state. No one will like what they see.

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