
Mark of the Beast

I am just gonna write this as my brain flows so forgive me for bluntness and irreverance!

I have struggled with this sign for a while because there are so many different ideas from many good people as to what this sign is. I have also written a few ideas on the identity of the composite beast in a few of my other blog posts which brings me to this point. I will tell you clearly what I believe this mark of the beast is. It seems to fulfill the scriptures well and can be very compelling in the future. I have to say that this mark is not here yet but the functions are happening right now. The facets of this mark will be brought together to seemingly benefit mankind but will be a move to enslave most of mankind.

I have reason to believe the mark of the beast is an oath of allegiance to support a new monetary system.

OK, lets get some back ground. There are two parts. The Mark is associated with being able to buy or sell. The Beast is an overall ruling entity that benefits from these beast marked souls.

The Beast, in short, is this world's rulers; visible or hidden. I have reason to believe that the hidden rulers of the world operate in secret by using secret oaths. This is how things get done in backrooms and lodges. I think that the world will be put in a situation that makes our old free market unappealing to the point that a new monetary system will have to be accepted but will only work if people "agree" to be part of it and enter into a relationship with the system itself.

Why do I think it may be this? Well I know the Mark is to be on the forehead and the hand. This indicates that value will be placed on your mental abilities and physical or labor abilities. The system of buying and selling would not be gold based like it is now. (By the way, this system, although causing some issues, gives people the ability to vote with dollars, things they like or want as a community.) The system I have heard coming down the line would offer you everything while taking away your freedom to decide anything for yourself. Keep your eyes open for a group called Desteni.

The saddest thing is that all of the things involved in this change to this system, we have already been doing in small ways. It will just be taken to the next level to where people deliberately give themselves over to it. One small way is our affinity for the fiat money systems like dollars. They are not backed by gold as the majority of us think they are. The world is conditioned to not rely on gold for exchange. We wouldn't see any difference if our exchange was suddenly based on our body count as long as the money kept coming. As far as making an oath to this system. This is as simple as filling out an application. We sign things online and agreements that are so long that we rarely know what we are signing anyway. If we are hungry and hurting it will be very hard not to "agree" to support a system that would put food or means in the palm of our hand.

The people behind this oath taking have been involved with this sort of work since the dark ages. Getting us to comply may be the easiest step yet. I'll say that most of mankind will be duped. I wish it wasn't the case but most of us will be. The reason why mankind's prosperity is such an easy in for the masses is that we naturally want to survive. Our living and breathing is a big part of our motivation scheme and if a system can make this easier, it seems almost idiotic not to accept it. This is exactly where Satan wants us to go so that we make a decision with no spiritual consideration.

The mark itself is symbolic but its effect fits everything else in the scripture surrounding it. Its not here yet because the world has to be broken down dramatically. first.

Within another blog post I discussed that the 2nd seal is about to be broken and with it the fulfillment of many prophecies will occur which will be a major wake-up call to those who recognize what is going on.

Just my thoughts.


ablebodiedman said...

I think that you are correct about the mark of the beast being an oath of allegience.

In my opinion however, it is an oath or vow to; "Gods Spirit Directed Organization".

This is a baptismal vow which does not become valid or accepted by the other oath takers until the very last part of a persons body goes comletely under the water. A full immersion!

What is the last part of the body to go under the water?

The forehead or the hand!


Misfitotheology said...

Thanks for the comment Abe. I also thought at one point that the oath was something similar. I had to consider the Mark being of the beast and that took out anything related to God at all. Its a man's number. 666.

The world is slowly becoming a battle ground between the fleshly and spiritual continuities. The Beast dies. Man dies. The number dies. The flesh is finite yet the spirit infinite. Pledging the Mark of the beast, in essence pledges our humanity into a dieing system. Thus the question is placed squarely in our face. If death is the end for us, where will we place our allegiance in those last moments? To simply buy and sell or into our faith for God's ability to save our true souls?

Anonymous said...

Some sort of religious Alex Jones going on here. The mark of the beast has been around long before money changers or fiat banking.

In(Revelation 20:4)this passage is talking about the holy ones - the apostle over 1700 years ago ALSO refraimed from getting the mark of the beast on their foreheads and hands.

Hence the mark of the beast has been around for a long long time. It's nothing new, it's not the New World Order, It's not the Illuminati, Papacy or a micro Chip.

Here's the king James version:

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Do you really every read the bible?

Misfitotheology said...

Although a little short sighted I appreciate the previous comments. The prior comment is an example of belief that all the prophecy applies to one key moment in time. Whether that's past, 1700 years ago, today, or some future date. I really try not to set dates but give a more balanced approach. One glaring point is the fact that Rev 20:4 is used to solely reference a period 1700 years ago. Revelation is summing up the last parts of mankind. So to place no further prophetical significance past the early Christian period is short sighted and just no fun.

The other point is that the Mark has no real significance UNTIL our current ways of "buying and selling" becomes either hindered or crippled in some way. The Mark has a direct correlation to buying and selling. A little review of economics and history would prove that we and the elite have been attempting to deal with this thing called money for a long time. Simply, the faith in money has grown 100 times faster than the actual value which has led to the system of payment we call debt. Just look at the value of gold. It is taking on the faith of nations at this point, but it is a bubble. I don't know when it will burst but I do know that it will if the other factors persist.

So no, the Mark will be something new but not necessarily unfamiliar. The beast is not new, so the mark is just some stamp of approval when that time comes.