
A Jehovah's Witness and A Muslim Walk into a bar...

      OK let me approach this gingerly because this in no way is to incite hatred for either choice of practices. I am simply relating an interesting pattern within both sets of religious beliefs that seem to be similar and not readily discernible.

      First off... there are obvious differences in religious doctrine between both Islam and Jehovah's Witnesses. Such as political involvement and diets. There are interesting similarities in tone, such as holiday recognition and women's place in the organization. What I am going to discuss here is the similarities in APPROACH to 3 distinct foundational tools each religion uses to disseminate doctrine. The Holy book. Their Scholarship. Their Harmonizer.

       The approach to either religions Holy book is unique. Islam of course have their book, the QUR'AN, championed by Muhammad via the angel Gabriel. Muslims regard the original language it was written as best so for a true practice of the religion you must learn and understand Arabic or you will fall short of true understanding. In comparison, the JW religion has the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION which is reportedly taken from all available sources to ensure its correctness. exJWs know all too well it was created by unqualified individuals in Bethel. Anyway the NWT is the only acceptable bible translation among the rank and file. Its understanding is held and controlled by the Faithful and Discreet Slave in New York. The vicious protection of the integrity of both books is the first part of a this three tiered program of control.

       The Scholarship of the religions refers to the authority of interpretation. The JWs hold the authority as being the governing body and its manifestation in the steady stream of WATCHTOWER and AWAKE magazines that constantly barrage its members. The magazines interpret and keep them up to date on the current doctrinal issues. Pulling here and tucking there to keep members in line. The parallel amongst Muslims are what is known as the HADITHS. The Hadiths are written by scholars who have the qualifications due to education, experience, blood, or whatever makes them qualified. The Hadiths break down what is written in the Qur'an. Much like Watchtower magazines they focus on a particular subject and flush out the principles that lie there in. Hadiths are not really known to outsiders but are very important to Muslims in being a path to greater understanding of the Qur'an.

        The third thing is the most insidious and possibly dangerous of both religions. It is how they each handle contradictions within this structure. I call it their Harmonizer. The JWs Harmonizer is called NEW LIGHT. It is the principle they get from the scripture that speaks of the light getting brighter as the day draws near. Proverbs 4:18. It allows those in authority to take older doctrinal issues and update them with newer reasoning. It is a get out of jail free card in a sense. Time becomes their friend because old knowledge becomes useless. It is a doctrine that undermines the foundation that any sense of self can rely on.   Muslims also have a very interesting approach to this. Their Harmonizer is called ABROGATION. It is a principle supported by their verse, Surah 2:106. Their scholars saw fit to apply this in relegating earlier written verses as impotent to later written verses. This is why you will find an apparent contradiction in thought. Allah was much kinder when Muhammad was writing out of Mecca but much harsher and dictatorial when Muhammad wrote out of Medina. A faithfully practicing Muslim will follow the path of abrogation the same as a faithfully practicing Jehovah's Witness would follow the path of new light.

       To understand how this three tiered function can work so well would take an article or maybe a book to figure out. This is not the article to get into it but I will at least reference it. The three tiers of control rely on 1) an incorruptible authority, 2) an "apparent" input of the people, and 3) a trusted adjustor/futurist. With these three things a person could probably rule the world... and they have. Case in point, the USA's Executive, Legislative, Judicial branches of government. Don't take the structure lightly... it has existed since the dawn of time as various Gods like Osiris, Isis, and Horus. In today's days and times, their influence is buried in the details. What you will often find is the greater the control, the more pronounced the separations.

        In conclusion, my studies of these two religions make it clear they definitely come from two different contemporary sources. This article is in no way exhaustive but could be something someone else could continue studying on. The underlying similarities, though, beg me to consider if the functions may connect them at some more ancient level. Both groups have proved to be high control groups. The apparent differences makes them seem totally unrelated but it seems they still appeal and control people in much the same way.

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