
Bible predicts Bilderberg?

I was just looking over different youtubes and ran across one that talked about the Mormon bible discusses Bilderberg. I'm not all that sure about that. Maybe it does elude to it. I won't count it out but I also won't discount that the bible also eludes to an environment that would be primed for a group such as the Bilderbergs. Not only the Bilderbergs but also Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati,or any Fraternal Brotherhood organizations. See what often happens is that we focus in on the one group that has a name and reputation and not the beast as a whole which has many heads and faces all connected to the same beast. Sure, destroy the one head and you will have 3 more arise in its place. This is how it works. If the Mormon bible eludes to just Bilderberg then it is sadly short of a larger picture that I think the bible more capably tackles although we have people who interpret the bible with their own agendas. The bible was not to be solely a prophetic book which is why the details of the last days are not as succinct as our human brains would so desire. It takes though, meditation, and most importantly, holy spirit to understand. Even with those things, we are imperfect in our understanding and interpretation. So what are we to do? We are to begin the journey to understand in spirit. "learn as if we will live forever, live as if we will die tomorrow." I forgot who said that. Something I saw on Facebook. But it makes sense. Don't worry about finishing the meal just get to the table. Also knowledge will be brought back to mankind as we get closer to the time to make those crucial decisions. We are in a moment of change but we will soon be put into clearer focus where we stand. I believe that.

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