
Incorporating Your Christian Relationship

My leaving the Watchtower has been a lonely process. All of my other family members are devout witnesses including my wife. So my discovery and my spiritual strength comes directly from God.

The key for me is building a personal relationship with Jesus. Now many Jdubs would argue that I could have done this inside the organization. I do not agree. For the fact that our time is portioned out to so many other aspects of worship. In fact it is quite insidious how this occurs. We are in fact doing all we can to build a relationship with an organization/corporation (through hour tally and study of books other than the bible) not God personally. If we were building it with God, then the personal bible studies would 1. Focus more on how holy spirit can finish your training in the bible. Right now the goal is to get an interested person away from dissenters and establish them friends and associates that will continue the indoctrination to fulfillment which is isolation from any information in disagreement with Jdub theology. Most if not all rank and file Jdubs will not see this.

Jdubs do not follow a "man" or do they? Corporations are one of the worst forms of human development in my opinion. A group of men can create this "being" that can affect other peoples daily lives whether that be as a source of employment, source of information, source of protection, or source of religious direction. It can act as a man. The origins of corporations are from early Roman times. Right now corporations are at their most powerful as far as having an impact on the average human life. The Watchtower's structure is based off of this model. Humans in a sense can build their own little mountains and make them big enough to touch the heavens themselves.

Can we have a personal relationship with this abomination? No. If we are attempting to, then we are striving after the wind. Corporations are designed by men in the beginning and then tweaked during its lifetime to fulfill the purposes of its leaders. The mistake was allowing any religious organization or church to incorporate. Unfortunately what often happens is the church gains access and benefits through the corporation but the corporation soon becomes the church.

Jdubs mention that incorporating is just a tool to accomplish their work. Since God backs this work and he would even make the stones speak, what would happen if we were to drop this man made tool? Is it even thinkable to eliminate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as our tool? If you find it hard to fathom, then you may be in the worship of mankind's biggest golden calf.

1 comment:

spiritualbrother said...

The Watchtower organization has become synonymous with God himself for many JW's.